Hide the options dropdown from ANT Select component

Remove the options from ANT design select component

🙋‍♂️ Shubham Verma    🗓 September 20, 2020

Hide the options dropdown from ANT Select component


ometimes we don't need the dropdown in the ANT Select component, then need to do some CSS change. In this, article, we'll do the same. We will hide the options dropdown from the ANT Select component.
Let's write the CSS.

Hide the options dropdown:

So, if you are using the ANT Select component, then it will look like this:

idkblogs.com: Hide the options dropdown from ANT Select component

Hide the options dropdown from ANT Select component

And your ANT Select code would be ( with options dropdown) this:

But we need to hide the dropdown, and our ANT Select component will look like this:

idkblogs.com: Hide the options dropdown from ANT Select component

Hide the options dropdown from ANT Select component

To achieve the above drodown we need to add "dropdownClassName" property and add the below styles as:

So, our code would be :


idkblogs.com: Hide the options dropdown from ANT Select component

Hide the options dropdown from ANT Select component

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