Sometime we want to show the loader but we need only some specific requrement to show loader with 3 dots that should be blinking. In this article, we will implement Blinking Loader with 3 Dots, meanse we will implement a loader with blinking with 3 dots. which will be blinking in a sequence as you can see in the image.
Implement Blinking Loader with 3 Dots
In this article we see how we can implement a very simple 3 dot blinking loader.For this, we need to create an html file and will write our HTML inside this. So let's start writing the HTML file.
File loader.html:
In the above codes,we have written a very simple HTML codes. The above dots will be dispayed as loader with blinking later.
Now we need to add styles in these dots to make these live as you want. So we'll add some css with very simple animation.
Let's write the css:
In the above CSS, you can see we have very simple styles to implement Blinking Loader with 3 Dots. We have added following CSS class:
.loader: This is the parent div styles to give it a box to represent our work.
@keyframes: This keyframes basically we used for animation. The @keyframes rule specifies the animation code. During the animation, you can change the set of CSS styles many times.
.blink This is the CSS where the keyframes will be applied.
.blink:nth-child To specify, which dot would be blink.
Complete Code:
Run the code:
To run this HTML file, you simple need to open this file in any browser, and you can see the output.Output:

Implement Blinking Loader with 3 Dots
Let add some more dots in the loader:
In this loader, If you want to add more dots then you can add as you want. But you need to update you CSS. So here I am adding more dots and also updating the styles.

Implement Blinking Loader with 3 Dots
In this article, we have learned how to make a simple 3 dot loader. We have added HTML and CSS to make it working. Also we have scaled up this loader by adding some extra added dots.Support our IDKBlogs team
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