Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

How to Integrate the Datadog in Node.js and get the performance metrics

🙋‍♂️ Shubham Verma    🗓 March 30, 2023

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

In this article, we will see how to integrate a complete module for Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance with Datadog.

We will use typeScript and NestJS to integrate the Datadog.
In this article, we will learn and see following things:
What is Datadog?
How to integrate the Datadog in NodeJs application?
Integrate the Datadog with moduler code.
How we track the event in Datadog?
How we track the service in Datadog?
How we track the each API call to the nodeJS app?
How to see the flow of service in Datadog?

Let's get started.

What is Datadog?

Datadog is a service that provides analytical and monitoring tools for the services. The Datadog can be used for the frontend and backend. Datadog is used to determine the capabilities of the services, provide the performance metrics, and report. You can use Datadog to monitor the predefine events of the services and their occurrences.

You can use Datadog get the following benefits:
  • Network Performance Monitoring
  • Container Monitoring
  • Cloud Cost Management
  • Sensitive Data Scanner
  • Audit Trail
  • Observability Pipelines
  • Network Device Monitoring
  • Distributed Tracing

Datadog has products for the following operations:


  • Infrastructure Monitoring
  • Network Performance Monitoring
  • Network Device Monitoring
  • Container Monitoring
  • Serverless
  • Cloud Cost Management


  • Log Management
  • Sensitive Data Scanner
  • Audit Trail
  • Observability Pipelines


  • Distributed Tracing
  • Continuous Profiler
  • Database Monitoring
  • CI Visibility
  • Service Catalog
  • Universal Service Monitoring


  • Cloud Security Management
  • Application Security Management
  • Cloud SIEM


  • Real User Monitoring
  • Synthetic Monitoring
  • Continuous Testing
  • Session Replay
  • Error Tracking


  • CoScreen
  • Dashboards
  • Watchdog
  • Alerts
  • Incident Management
  • Integrations
  • API

How to integrate the Datadog in NodeJs application?

Here we will create a the Datadog directory and will add two files ie. dd-metrics-events.ts and dd-metrics-publisher.ts
In the dd-metrics-events.ts we will write our events to track those events indd-metrics-publisher.tswe will have our module code, and we will write the theDatadog initialization code and service, so that we can use this Datadog service where we want to use.

We use the datadog-metrics npm module to use Datadog in our NodeJs app. Let's write the codes.

File: dd-metrics-events.ts

File: dd-metrics-publisher.ts

How to use?

First, we need to import the DDMetrics module in the app.module.ts and then add the DDMetrics module to the providers array.

File: app.module.ts

Now we have imported, now we need to use the service method of the Datadog to increment the event that we implemented earlier.

File: app.controller.ts

The above will be triggered when you call the API /v1/validate.  this will send an event to the Datadog and Datadog will increment the value and also create the dashboard and service on the Datadog.

Now you can see the following things in the Datalog:

Datadog Metrices for events:

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

Datadog Service for App 'dd-idk-integration':

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

Datadog service summary:

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

Datadog resource summary:

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

Datadog service detailed metrices:

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance

Integrate Datadog in Node.js and track your backend performance


In this article, we integrated Datadog in Node.js and tracked our backend performance with Datadog. We implemented a complete module and see the performance metrics in Datadog.

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