Integrate Prettier in Nest.JS Project

How to integrate prettier in Nest.JS project and make it the default setting in VScode

🙋‍♂️ Shubham Verma    🗓 September 12, 2023

Integrate Prettier in Nest.JS Project

Integrate Prettier in Nest.JS Project

Integrating Prettier into your Nest.js project and configuring it to be the default code formatter can help maintain consistent code style. Additionally, you can set up an editor extension or use a tool like prettier-eslint to format code automatically upon saving. Below are the step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Install Prettier

First, you need to install Prettier and some related packages:

Step 2: Create a Prettier Configuration File

Create a Prettier configuration file in your project's root directory. You can use .prettierrc or .prettierrc.json for JSON configuration. Here's an example .prettierrc for your specific requirements:

Step 3: Configure ESLint to Work with Prettier

In your ESLint configuration file (usually .eslintrc.js), you need to extend the eslint-config-prettier configuration to disable ESLint rules that conflict with Prettier:
This ensures that ESLint and Prettier work together harmoniously.

Step 4: Set Up Editor Integration for Automatic Formatting

To enable automatic code formatting with Prettier upon saving, you can use editor extensions or plugins. Here are some common ones:

Visual Studio Code:

Install the "Prettier - Code formatter" extension and configure it to format on save. Add the following setting to your VS Code settings.json:

Step 5: Run Prettier Manually (Optional)

If you want to run Prettier manually to format your code, you can add a script to your package.json:
Then, you can run the npm run format command to format your code. With these steps, you've integrated Prettier into your Nest.js project, configured it to be the default formatter, and set up automatic code formatting upon saving. Your code will adhere to the specified Prettier rules, including using single quotes, no trailing semicolons, 2 spaces for indentation, and only one consecutive empty line.

Run prettier on Save (CTRL+S)

To run Prettier automatically on save in a code editor like Visual Studio Code, you'll need to follow these steps:
Install Prettier Extension:
Make sure you have the "Prettier - Code formatter" extension installed in Visual Studio Code. You can install it from the Extensions Marketplace if you haven't already. Integrate Prettier in Nest.JS Project

Integrate Prettier in Nest.JS Project

Configure VS Code Settings:
Open VS Code.
Go to "File" > "Preferences" > "Settings" or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + ,.
In the search bar, type "format on save" to find the setting.
Enable Format on Save:
Check the "Editor: Format On Save" checkbox to enable automatic formatting on save. This option should be checked for Prettier to format your code when you save a file.
Customize Prettier Configuration (Optional):
If you want to customize Prettier's behavior for your project, you can create a `.prettierrc` configuration file in your project's root directory and add your desired settings, as mentioned in the previous response.
Start Saving:
Now, whenever you save a file in your project, Prettier will automatically format it according to your configured settings. You don't need to run any additional commands; it will happen automatically.


Your code will be formatted by Prettier every time you save a file, helping you maintain a consistent code style without any manual intervention.

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