How to generate PDF of a component in React
C reate your component in React and want to give a functionality to user to print a PDF or save as a PDF of that component. This article will help you to generate a pdf document of content of given component. This will give you a popup to print the compenent's data in PDF with given styles. let's get started.Create a React component to print:
let's create a React component, later we will print this component as a PDF.Resume.js:
Output of this component:

Create a React component to print
Now create another component to print the above Resume component :
In this component, we will write our logic to generate a PDF of above component.In this component, we'll have a button Print Resume to generate the pdf of Resume component. When you click on this button, this will show a poppup to print. You need to select as per your requirements.
Here is the gif of this PDF generation process:

Create a React component to print
Here is the PDF that we generated earlier:
Your web browser doesn't have a PDF plugin. Instead you can open this URL in the desktop/laptop
We used a npm module name react-to-print. You need to install this dependency in your app by using following command:
In this article, we have created a Resume component and also created another component App. In App component, we wrote our logic to generate Resume component in PDF. Also we have downloaded this PDF into our system.Support our IDKBlogs team
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