April 2024 's Post

  • [Bitbucket] Automatically assign code owners as pull request reviewers

  • Author : Shubham Verma
  • Date : April 19, 2024
  • idkblogs.com

[Bitbucket] Automatically assign code owners as pull request reviewers


When a pull request is created or updated, GitHub automatically suggests these code owners as reviewers, streamlining the review process and ensuring that the right people are involved in the discussion of code changes


  • Build Micro Frontends In React - Step by Step

  • Author : Shubham Verma
  • Date : April 18, 2024
  • idkblogs.com

Build Micro Frontends In React - Step by Step


Micro frontends have emerged as a powerful architectural approach to building scalable and maintainable web applications. Just as microservices revolutionized backend development, micro frontends bring modularity, flexibility, and independence to the frontend world


  • What to Consider Before Starting Your React Project?

  • Author : Shubham Verma
  • Date : April 18, 2024
  • idkblogs.com

What to Consider Before Starting Your React Project?


Starting a new React project is an exciting endeavor, but before diving in, it's crucial to take some time to plan and consider various factors.


  • Comprehensive Guide: Setting up CI/CD with Jenkins on AWS EC2 with Docker

  • Author : Shubham Verma
  • Date : April 4, 2024
  • idkblogs.com

Comprehensive Guide: Setting up CI/CD with Jenkins on AWS EC2 with Docker


In this guide, we'll walk through the step-by-step process of setting up CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins on an AWS EC2 instance with Docker.


  • What is Camunda and DMN? Integrate decision table with Camunda 8 and Nodejs

  • Author : Shubham Verma
  • Date : April 3, 2024
  • idkblogs.com

What is Camunda and DMN? Integrate decision table with Camunda 8 and Nodejs


Camunda is a versatile platform for business process automation. Learn how to seamlessly integrate decision tables with Camunda 8 and Node.js, enabling efficient workflow management with DMN.
