• Convert image file into base64 in javascript

  • Author : Shubham Verma
  • Date : January 17, 2020
  • idkblogs.com

Convert image file into base64 in javascript


Sometime it is required to upload images on the server, and it is required to upload the image into base64. Here in this blog, we will learn how to convert image into base64


  • What is base64? | Convert an image into base64 in angular2+ app

  • Author : Shubham Verma
  • Date : January 17, 2020
  • idkblogs.com

What is base64? | Convert an image into base64 in angular2+ app


In this article, we will convert an image into base64 in angular2+ app. we will create a demo app in angular2+ app and we will write our code into app.component.ts file.


  • Secure your app data in localStorage

  • Author : Shubham Verma
  • Date : January 9, 2020
  • idkblogs.com

Secure your app data in localStorage


Sometime, we need to save our app's data in browser's storage, So we simply use this memory to store our data. Now, in this article, we'll learn, how we can secure our local storage data.
